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Groupware Collateral...

You are visitor number since 6/19/96.

newindicates that these links were added during the recent update made on or about 1/15/98

growing by the day...

Have questions... contact your local sales office...
they'll be able to help you with the part numbers I reference as well as point you in the right direction!

Whitepapers and other docs, slides, reviews & competitive info...

 MSDN feature, Developing for Exchange Server 5.5 , 12/1/97 new

 as well as many things on MSDN about Exchange Server 5.5, CDO, ADSI, Event Scripting, Discussion hosting, etc.new

 The Microsoft Exchange Developer Series course #1153- Overview of Collaboration Development new

 ADSI support in Exchange Server, as well as the ADSI info from the WindowsNT site. new

 Microsoft Exchange Part 6 of 6: Application Development , part#098-63724. Out on our corporate web site at http://www.microsoft.com/Exchange/evalgd/appdev6a.htm

 Microsoft Office and Microsoft Exchange , part#098-61124.

 A few worthwhile client-side OLE Messaging samples are floating around and may soon join the Application Farm. Of course, you all know OLEMessaging has evolved into a server-side capable (while still fully client-side capable) object model called Active Messaging, and in turn into CDO.  Here's the scoop.new

 Microsoft® Exchange Server 4.0 vs. Lotus Notes® 4.1, Key Architectural Advantages - June 1996

 Microsoft® Exchange Server has lower cost of Ownership than Lotus Notes®

A recent study by Zona Research reveals that Microsoft Exchange Server costs 47% less per user to acquire, deploy, and support than Lotus Notes.

 WiredNews story, "Lotus Domino Could Easily Fall" new

 The cleaned up version of the guidelines which our Localization team used/created while translating the Microsoft Exchange Sample Applications into 20+ different language versions which were shipped. This includes localization tips not only for form, but also the views, rules and other folder attributes which accompany the applications.. here are those Exchange Application Localization Guidelines

 slides from the Microsoft Exchange Conference (MEC '97), San Diego, CA 9/28-10/1/97 (Of particular interest for folks visiting this site are those sessions in the SOLutions and DEVeloper tracks.) new

 slides from the Collaboration Developer Days, held in Redmond, Wa. 4/1-2/97

 slides from the Microsoft Exchange Deployment Conference, held in Austin, Tx. 9/11-13/96.

For zip'ed downloads of slides from sessions informally comprising the "groupware track" click on #15 Workflow, #20 Document Management , #25 Developing Grouping apps & forms for Outlook, #38 Understanding Exchange Forms Designer, #44 Microsoft Outlook Object Model &Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting, #45 Developing Exchange Client applications, #8 Interop Options with Lotus Notes, #?? Microsoft Exchange Inside Track (pre-conf)-- particularly the RandySt session, from which sample code will appear up on the AppFarm

Applications and the Design Environment

 The Sample Applications
As you groupware fans know, the Exchange Sample Applications which shipped in the 4.0 & 5.0 box are installed on a server during server install IF selected as an option on custom install. They are made available on \\<YourServerNameGoesHere>\Sample.

 The Application Farm
TechNet bought the Application Farm, which is the future of sample applications. Via TechNet, we will be able to distribute more sample applications in real time to our customers. The first cut includes the Culinary Corner, a serial routing form (based on EFD form output), and clientside VB agents which programmatically create and read data (rather than requiring a human to do so with a form).
If you have contributions which you like to see others benefit from, we'll add them to the farm... just mailto:AppFarm@microsoft.com . And by all means, include a link to your web page and we'll add that to the short description of what the sample is and why it's interesting up on the farm for all to see. And of course, be sure to take advantage of the Application Design Discussion newto share you experiences, tips, tricks and questions with other folks who share your interests.

 Building Microsoft Exchange Applications has been released by MSPress.

The book leads you, in careful steps, through the entire process of creating, installing, testing, releasing, and maintaining information-sharing applications. It teaches you to work with the Microsoft Exchange Forms Designer, the Microsoft Exchange Client, and Microsoft Office 95.



 Exchange Planning Workshop tape#3244.07 and/or set 3244.27&28. Over the course of 2hrs. I'll walk you through the Sample Applications, and the Exchange Forms Designer which ships in the box with Microsoft Exchange 4.0, and some other additional tips and tricks.

 MSTV: Microsoft Exchange Server part#96MSTV-0305, though I have the tape with a label on it which reads VT#3205 so I'ld suggest you mailto:mstv@microsoft.com - of particular groupware interest on this tape is the final segment which highlights 'Culinary Corner' application
which is available up on the Application Farm.

 Developing Office 95 Solutions - 80 minutes (MSTV broadcast 7/18/95) - part #098-60984; particularly 2 segments... one which shows the Schedule Time Away form and another where we walk through the Survey application. Both provide examples of Office and Exchange integration. A bit more detail:

Other Exchange (though not necessarily "groupware") stuff:

 Ben Goetter's page on MAPI and Microsoft Exchange Development Frequently Asked Questions, and his Exchange Client FAQ.   It's FULL of great refs. like the MS Exchange Listserv Archive.

 Slipstick Systems Exchange Center

 David's Windows Messaging Home Page

 An Extensive list of Microsoft Partner solutions and Exchange Server Add-ons new

 Also, you may wish to investigate these harder core, C++ based MAPI samples. For samples which detail the finer points of programmatic access to Exchange folder and message links, or a wealth of other things checkout the MSDN Win32 Messaging  page .

 Here are a few CDs which you might find of interest:

Exchange Services Guide (098-64726) which is a series of tools designed to help Solution Providers help customers move from evaluation to deployment. It will also be available for the "do-it yourself" customers
If I'm not mistaken this contains ExWiz which is a general tuning/planning tool in which you enter in the number of users and kind of machine, etc. and it gives you help in setting up your Exchange servers.
FREE! Download the Microsoft Exchange Technical Resource Kit CD-ROM Now!
The Microsoft Exchange Technical Resource CD-ROM offers utilities which make implementing, maintaining, and supporting a Microsoft Exchange Server network even easier. It also contains additional product related documentation on Microsoft Exchange. It is available through this download (30.2 MB), TechNet
, or by contacting your local sales office (reference part number 098-64705). Feel free to view the CD-ROM contents first!
Mastering Microsoft Exchange Development
This self-paced course delivers 25+ hours of training on CD-ROM, and is designed to help you create applications with Microsoft Exchange that automate your business processes. From implementing form and folder applications to creating stand-alone Visual Basic applications that use OLE Scheduling and Messaging, you'll learn at your own pace, on your own time.

A few other MSPress titles on Microsoft Exchange are also available. 

Other (Non Exchange specific Groupware stuff):

 EMA Groupware committee 'Intro. to Groupware paper" (currently work in process on http://www.ema.org/html/gw/gwmenu.htm)

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to share you experiences, tips, tricks and questions with other folks who share your interests.

Please note: If your browser does not support inline frames, click here to view the Application Design Discussion.
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