What's the Story?
Where did Marc come from? I think i must have crawled out of the Ocean, before standing up on land...
Early on I wore shades in anticipation of a bright future. I started sailing in my backyard in a boat I designed and built... and then proceeded to race Sunfish (along w/JoelF and BrianW interviewed in the Sunfish Bible, though they kicked my butt). This is a shot of George, Torin and me launching our boats from Furman's beach for Bellport's Labor Day Regatta, 197?; Several years later here are George and Dallas picking me up (thanks for the car & racks Joel), in NYC where i was working for the summer at SCB, to race the North Atlantic Regionals.
...how I got where I am from my hometown
land of
free and the home of 'the Barn' and the Bud Car.
Here's where I rowed
lightweighed 8
as bow seat, watched some of the best
for 4 yrs
of NCAA hoops history, read The
Chronicle and listened
to FOXY 107... at the home of the Blue
This is a simulation of the infamous off-limits
hallowed halls, a.k.a. Duke tunnels, which John, Dave, Hank (hiding behind the pillar)
& I never explored... note: this is merely a guess at what it
would have looked like had we actually been tunneling.
And here are numerous testaments (1,
5) in
memoriam to a truly unique spirit Peter
Ortale who i was
enough to have as a roommate (along with Mo, another of the Duke lacrosse tri-captains) for several
months during
my time in Durham.
Here's a shot of me in my first movie... OK, would you believe it was at a wedding I went to with a bunch of my longtime friends. Heck they even convinced me to get my first haircut in 4 years (back in '9x?). Here's a closeup of Zaiya going to work! This eventually grew out even longer, which along w/all the watersports led to a more drastic cut.
Diving's undoubtedly a passion of mine... as is any excuse to be on, in or under the water.
I was a volunteer diver in the Seattle Aquarium 40k gallon Pacific Coral Reef tank every other Thurs. morning at 11am, for 8 fantastic years starting in '96-- if you were there then you might have seen me blowing bubbles and getting bitten by the Cat Shark, while cleaning the tank, feeding the fish, and waving to the kids. For a while i kept an online dive log of these dives and others, along with some data mining from that log as well.
/*More recently while in Hong */ Kong i volunteered diving in Ocean Park 's world class 50 million liter Coral Atoll exhibit ... the deep tank is spotless despite some large pelagic stock including 2 mature spotted eagle rays, and several other juveniles, several black cow nose rays, 2 rescued green sea turtles, 4 smaller hammerheads, a bonnethead and a couple black tip reef sharks, many laaarge groupers… including one 80yr old 7’ one named Grandpa, etc. What a privilege to play a part in maintaining this wonderful exhibit, with such a great crew. And so my dive resume continues to grow, and i look forward to my next Aquarium gig...
Stephen and Mo of Ocean Frontiers arguably run the best shop on the planet; here are some tarpon from a past visit. Just look at how nice it is out there right now! We're also fans of Amigos Del Mar, on Amerbergis Caye, Belize. Even beats the ones I've run out of the numerous backyards I've called home since I moved out to Seattle. My water dog Duke loves to dive.
Part of getting out on/in/around the water means, you have to find your way there and back... and thus I've taken an interest in GPS navigation & weather and put those skills to the test in good, old fashioned maritime fashion on the SummerVacation99 cruise. 1st Mate Trina, newly adopted crew member Duke, and I had another great cruise aboard the SaraL, as the ship's log for our summer cruise 2000 reports.
I enjoy taking a spin in my Sanford and Son era '53 Chevy Pickup truck; my favorite trip is bringing brush to the dumps.
Here are some older hobbiest project ramblings on Garmin GPS, Uwatec/Aladin dive computers, and other random electronics projects...
These days... it's really time for you to motor or sail on over to
the blog
where my
travels are being mused...
Along with an even more current enumeration of Marc's Products associated
w/Alexa Home Automation, and other interests...
Some work related stuff I've done:
Haven't updated this in AGES... though definitely working on some other cool stuff these days, and in the past year (at least from my perspective in 2005) i've been doing it from Hong Kong ;-). ...it's Windows Security related... for now, suffice it to say you should definitely Protect Your PC... and 1) turn on Automatic Updates, 2) run up-to-date AV Software, and 3) turn on your firewall. I'll throw in a 4th one too... don't be a promiscuous surfer, use protection-- run AntiSpyware software too. Prior to moving out to HK, the guy who hired me to work on some of this stuff, who i'd worked with on/off over more than a decade, departed for his own journey and he logs that here... http://www.SulaAdventures.com
I spent several years building technology which will allow you to get access to key data on your mobile phone even if you were away from your desk, and perhaps out on the deck of your boat, etc. This involved acquiring and taking many trips to our Stockholm office, where I was inducted into the ways of some odd Swedish traditions called a Crabfish Party which takes place out on a boat among the fjords where there's no escape from the schnapps. Meanwhile, back in the US, some the Airstream Team showed off their version of festivities for their Swedish team member. This technology after shipping two versions, was eventually folded back into the Exchange business... in any case, now without a doubt you can autodial on your phone, via contacts you maintain on your PC w/Outlook...
Prior to that I worked on several versions of Exchange starting with the V1 product we shipped, including vision for the first web client long before hotmail/gmail/yahoo mail, etc (via ExWebZapper scheduled html publisher) and ship of the first version of the first dynamic web client Exchange Web Access which was rearchitected many a time (great entry on Jim/Bob et al's work on that) as web tech evolved, and of course rebranded as OWA (Outlook Web Access) when the web came along in prominence and when it was obvious internally that Exchange was the Server and Outlook was the client (until of course Hotmail rebranded to Outlook.com... ha! ...but anyway, eventually the Hotmail backend did move over to Exchange Server too when its scalability drove further beyond corporate to internet megaservice grade). Various ISV telephony and mobile integrations, etc... 100million+ seats later the business is booming, and is the 3rd most commercially successful in computer software history, behind MS Windows and MS Office.
Older stuff/needs to be updated or pulled-- Should you choose to look at my Groupware Collateral Collection you'll see, among other things, an invitation to drop by the Application Farm. (btw, here is one of the earlier, original explanations of the AppFarm that I wrote when we first staged those pages, and here's a version of some of that which it appears Sue at Slipstick.com is still keeping alive.)